Abandoned Petrochemical Complex - Reference Pack 197 photos v1.3

197 photos at 4608 x 3456 pixels from an abandoned petrochemical at Peñuelas Puerto Rico.

Perfect for concept design and ideation, let those ideas and images flow with some inspiring images.

Includes: Fuel containers round and cylindrical, abandoned building, pipes, Mechanical and Structural Forms, Images from far and close, greenery, sun and structures with it.

Location: Peñuelas, Puerto Rico

Sadly this contaminated all towns around it. Glad its closed now but you can see the result from the incidence in cancer and birth defects in some of the towns.

Release Notes

Global Pandemic Sale.

Standard Use License
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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420 MB